St Kitts vs St Lucia Citizenship

Obtaining a second citizenship is attractive primarily to businessmen and investors. When choosing a country, one should consider not only the size of the investment, but also other parameters. We suggest you consider two ways to become a citizen for investment in St. Kitts and St. Lucia. In their favor say not only favorable conditions, various benefits, but also the opportunity to retain citizenship in their native country. What do these states offer to foreign investors, let’s take a look.

Benefits of St. Kitts and St. Lucia citizenship

St. Lucia and St. Kitts are island nations in the Caribbean that are not only suitable for vacation and travel. Although tourism is the main income of these countries. Tropical forests, mountains, endless beaches are a great place to rest, but for work there is everything you need. There is infrastructure development, attractive business conditions, and a favorable tax system. These are great places to live a comfortable life. Getting St. Kitts is easier than many people imagine.

According to the evaluation of the program by the Immigrant Invest specialist Svetlana Gorchakova, there are other advantages:

  • permanent residence in its territory is not mandatory;
  • it is possible to have dual citizenship;
  • it is possible to include the closest relatives and children in the application;
  • no hidden and additional commissions;
  • fresh air, clean water – the main advantages and benefits of living in a metropolis.

Verification of information about the status of the investor is conducted remotely, applications are processed as soon as possible. Personal presence of the applicant is required only after receiving a positive decision and a citizen’s passport.

St Kitts passport holders are allowed to enter 156 countries around the world, with St Lucia passport is allowed to enter 137 countries.

Features of investment programs in these countries

St. Kitts and St. Lucia citizenship program is suitable for those foreigners who wish to move to another country as a family. Not only children and spouses, but also parents and siblings can be included in the application. There are several investment options – you decide which one to choose. The starting amount is from 150 thousand dollars. You can buy real estate or invest in a development fund of the country.

Terms of citizenship

Participation in St. Kitts by investment program and the opportunity to obtain a passport of the country can be bought for:

  • $150,000 for an applicant + $25,000 for a spouse + $20,000 for a sibling + $10,000 for a child;
  • $175,000 for an applicant or family of up to 4 people + $20,000 for a sibling + $10,000 for a dependent;
  • $200,000 invested in real estate.

Please note: Contributions made to the country are non-refundable! When applying, you should confirm your financial situation, prepare documents to include family members in the application and make payment. Only after that you can obtain official status as a citizen.

The St. Lucia CBI program has been in place for many years. In this way the government successfully replenishes the state treasury.

In order to legally move here, you need to make the following investments:

  • contribute $100,000 to the country’s national economic fund;
  • buy residential real estate worth 300 thousand dollars;
  • make a contribution to a local business in the amount of $ 1 million;
  • buy government bonds worth 250 thousand dollars or more.

You can choose any of the options based on the amount you have available. See for more details.

The procedure for submitting documents

The program is designed so that all processes are fast and the procedure is simple and accessible to every foreigner who is ready to invest. Usually, obtaining St Kitts citizenship takes place in several stages:

  • submission of documents of the applicant and his family members according to the procedure;
  • payment of funds according to one of the points mentioned above;
  • reporting the government’s decision: approving or rejecting the application.

Finding false information or inaccurate information can lead to a refusal to obtain a passport. The staff thoroughly verifies the applicant’s information, and this process usually takes 3 to 6 months. Once approved, you can apply for a passport. An in-person visit to government agencies is usually not required. Everything can be done remotely online.

For those wishing to obtain Saint Lucia citizenship by investment and a passport, the government imposes the following requirements:

  • age of majority of the principal applicant;
  • proof of legal income of a certain amount;
  • absence of criminal record, sanctions and other problems with the law of their country or other states.

If all requirements are fulfilled and documents are issued according to all standards, in 3-4 months you can get a positive decision on issuing a passport of a citizen. All processes can be carried out online, without coming to the country. This significantly speeds up the paperwork.

Choose the state where to live and work, apply for citizenship and move. New investors and just good people are always welcome on the islands!

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