Know About the Stats of Your Text with Word Count Tool

Limits are given in everything these days no matter if you are the one who is writing articles for his job, a student who is writing an essay for home assignments, or even a person who is just posting content on social media. You always are given a maximum amount in which you have to complete your work and after writing you count, right? Because if the word limit as provided to you is not fulfilled then your work may get rejected. You may also have to rewrite the whole content sometimes due to a smaller number of words.

By writing not within limits, your impression in front of others may also get affected negatively. These days, no one has time to count every word as this is the method most of us use, so instead of counting word they not count and send their work without counting. Character count is as important as grammar otherwise why it will be even given to you. As the world is growing, there are so many solutions to every problem. So, if you want to save your time and get a word count that you can have hands on the tool word counter of SmallSEOTools.


Word Counter & Its Benefits

Manually counting for small articles is not a hard task but when it comes to lengthy contents then counting each word does not help anymore. You keep on counting, and then in the middle of the count, you forget where you were. Then you again start your calculation, and this process continues. So, to aid you from this situation, a Free word counter tool is a tool which will examine your document and tell you about the number of words that are used in the material without taking your so much time.

Using character count tool does not just inform you about the number of words, but there are many other things included in the results that will again help you out. The word counter will show the result in which necessary word count, as well as the estimated reading time needed for your article, will be visible to you. The initial word count will be compromising of total characters with space as well as the total number of characters without space.

Moreover, character counter will show you about the top word density in writing in which you can see if you have used the keywords given more frequently or not. Additional word/character count statistics is also accessible which shows about the lengths of sentences, unique words, number of paragraphs, etc. These all features enable you to analyze your document in more details. The best thing about utilizing this is that you get all of these things free.

Other approaches to use Word Counter

Not only students or article writers but the business owners, as well as the teachers, can use this word counter to check the efficiency. The owners can see the effectiveness of their workers that they have hired to write content that if they are writing within the given limit or not.

By doing this, they will be able to pay them according to the words they are writing and can warn the ones who are not writing correctly. So, it might save your extra overhead cost. The teachers too can insert the assignments of students to the word counter tool and see if the essays are written in the guided limit. You can use it for several other purposes too or whenever you have to know the word or character count of a particular article.

Easy to Use Tool

All you have to do for the application of word counter is to insert the document in the given space you see when you open the word counter tool. The way is pretty uncomplicated as you can copy/paste the text and you are also provided with the options to upload a file or get files from the cloud. You can choose any of the options and have to click check words. In seconds the tool will inform you about the number of words along with all the mentioned details.

Word counter tool does not restrict you to the number of times you can check the limit of the articles. It also does not save your content in any of the databases so you can without any tension insert your every text. If you want to get instant as well as detailed results, then word counter tool is the application you must use. It will not disappoint you, and you will also not have to count the words manually.

A propos redaction

La rédaction suit les tendances du moment dans le domaine d’actualité. elle vous propose de suivre l'actualité mais aussi des chroniques de livres, cinématographiques , de suivre l'actualité de vos loisirs ( parc , spectacles , sorties ) et de vous proposer des infos fraiches par nos journalistes présents dans toutes la France qui peuvent couvrir ainsi de plus près les informations , nous proposons aussi des dossiers thématiques en fonction de l'actualité et des podcasts audio et vidéos .

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