Toys designed by women, for women go the extra mile in providing pleasure.

Most sex toys on the market and sex toy companies are led and designed by men, which is a significant detail to keep in mind when making a purchase for yourself if you are a woman or have a vulva. This detail is so significant, because many of the sex toys available are marketed to women, to please women and provide sexual satisfaction. However, in an industry run by men, we still see that toys designed by women, for women, provide better pleasure altogether. The sudden burst of women led and women founded sex toy brands has opened up new doors for those with vulvas seeking the ultimate pleasure and satisfaction for themselves and their partners. Women led companies, and women designed toys, put so much more focus into pleasing those with vulvas, as the key leaders have the experience to know what would bring pleasure to someone who has a vulva. They are also more in tune with research and development, and willing to create something no one else has ever seen before. The lack of influence from females as a whole during the creation, marketing, and production of sex toys that are being pushed on them has made the industry very sexist and non-inclusive.

Why is a male designed sex toy and male ran sex toy company inferior to a women led brand?

A sex toy designed by men is inherently set up to be marketed and provide pleasure in a male-centric way. That means the shape, the packaging, the marketing, and even the way it provides pleasure is centered around what a male thinks is pleasurable for a woman. How can someone effectively design something to please a part of the body that they don’t have? It is hard to create pleasurable toys for a vulva, when the designer himself does not have a vulva. Additionally, male ran sex toy companies are less open to critique and feedback from their customers. When a brand is unable to accept criticism and key notes as to how they could improve the customer experience, they are ultimately unable to grow to meet the needs of their customers, which will eventually lead to a customer satisfaction decline, and potentially cause a decrease in overall revenue from lost customers. However, with more women designers and women led companies entering the marketplace, we are seeing significant sex tech improvements, as well as design and pleasure improvements.

Why is a women-led company or toys designed by women so exciting and innovative?

Women led sex toy companies are more in tune with their target audiences’ wants, needs, and desires. Someone who has a vulva is more in touch with the pleasure and needs of their own vulva, as well as other people who have vulvas. Additionally, women led companies are often more open to critique and feedback from their customers, allowing them to meet needs and effectively grow faster and better. The intense drive to provide a much-needed product in such a niche market allows them to surpass the other existing companies, who survive simply by quantity over quality in comparison.  Quality also tends to be much higher from smaller brands who are establishing themselves as market competitors, as there is far less room for errors or problems with products. This drive and passion for pleasure and perfection is much different than what we see from male led and owned companies, who feel like they can neglect the needs of the customer they are selling to. Women designers are also more likely to take a risk by attempting a Bluetooth-enabled device that connects to game streaming.

How can I support a women led or owned sex toy company effectively?

As a customer, you can support women owned or women led sex toy brands and companies by purchasing from them! If you aren’t in the market for a new sex toy right now, you can recommend these companies to your friends who may be looking to make a new purchase. If you are active on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest, follow their social media pages. Try to support in any way you can – even a simple follow can go a long way in helping a brand reach more people and succeed even more. In a male-centric market, with many already well-established companies, it can be hard to break into the sex toy industry. These already established companies often have large budgets and vast resources to market and overtake any competitors that they may feel like are threatening their company. However, with a loyal customer base, we will begin to see more women led and ran sex toy companies on the market, geared towards succeeding at providing better pleasure to those that desire it. Small businesses can only become large through the help and support of their customers.



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