Upcoming Video Games: Are They Worth Waiting

Are you a fan of video games? Or do you have a family member who plays with them? If you answered in the affirmative to both questions, then what’s your favourite game? How, where, and when do you play it? And with whom?

You’re wondering what happened to the launch of your favourite video game, right? Many video games failed to launch as expected. Thanks to COVID-19! Many video game players are almost giving up on waiting. And the question begs: is it worth it? You can try free online slots no download casino for real money.

Are you also concerned about the delayed launch of upcoming video games? And are you also questioning the worthiness of the waiting? You needn’t worry! We’ve curated a list of 7 popular video games for 2021. Just hang on to get a taste of what’s in store.

7 Hot Video Games for 2021

The confinement at home because of the current health situation worldwide is overwhelming. There’s a lack of enough entertainment. But there’s light on the horizon. Many planned games will hit your screens soon. YES, something is coming for everyone. And here’s a taste of it!

1) Horizon Forbidden West

Do you love action-adventure games? Then take a deep breath! You’re wondering why, right? Ok, here’s the reason!

Horizon Forbidden West comes on the backdrop of its predecessor, Horizon Zero Dawn, which was a success story. The game is played on PlayStation 4. Based on this premise, we expect Horizon Forbidden West to be a smasher! The producers plan to play on both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. It’s also an open-world action-adventure game.

You need to get this straight! PlayStation 5 is the fastest-selling video game console in history. It has already hit over 10 million in sales. And it’s still going strong! The video game comes fitted with a PC port!

2) Metroid Dread

Another action-adventure video game for you! You should clap your hands now. Why? Because Metroid Dread is going to hit your screens soon.

Metroid Dread is the first completely new 2D entry action-adventure series after twenty years. It comes hot on the heels of its failed predecessor, Metroid Fusion. It’s hoped that Metroid Dread will regain its series 2D legacy.

And what’s so spectacular with Metroid Dread? It’s rich in the series’ legendary legacy. It’s also built to play on a Switch platform with a single-player mode. So, don’t expect a letdown!

3) Forza Horizon 5

If you’re a lover of motorsport games, then you’ve got a reason to smile! The Forza car-racing spinoffs have a big surprise in store for you. And here’s the first one!

The open-world Forza Horizon series is coming back with a new entry set in Mexico. They set the crazy game with comical-looking trucks against the rugged terrains of Mexico. Forza Horizon 5 follows the hugely successful and brilliant Forza Horizon 4. It’s expected to set the bar for the best Xbox series racing games. It’ll also topple the tables in PC racing games. Don’t expect disappointments with Forza Horizon 5!

4) Deathloop

Are you faint-hearted? Then Deathloop is not for you! It has a serious horror plot. The name is suggestive! The plot has a time loop. It involves an assassin named Colt, trapped in a time-loop. To break out of the loop, Colt has to kill eight targets in a single day. As players, you need to control Colt. Otherwise, the game keeps repeating.

Matters are further complicated by a rival assassin on the island. You need to take care of him to make the game more captivating.

So, is it worth waiting for the launch of Deathloop? Definitely! And YES, you need everything to get this game right. Assassin Colt has extraordinary powers to rewind time. And you need guts to outsmart him. In case you don’t like to be terrified but want to get excited, you can play the Fafa slots in a casino.

5) Far Cry 6

They base the plot on oppressive leadership. It calls for a revolution. And you’re the one to lead the revolution. The game is starring an authoritarian leader who must get killed. You do that.

If history gets repeated, expect an exciting open-world adventure. The game is a first-person shooter, featuring both single-player and multiplayer modes. It also plays on multiple platforms.

So, what do you expect then? Expect a crazier game. It has the hallmarks of stellar open-world episodes! Be prepared to encounter much ruthlessness.

6) Halo Infinite

The launch of Halo Infinite is long overdue! But the producers gave it more mop-ups to remove some grey areas. Halo 6 comes hot on the heels of her predecessor Halo 5. Since Halo 5 was such a letdown, then expect a smasher from Halo 6. And that’s why the long polishing.

7) Battlefield 2042

Do you like teamwork? Working as a team to win, right? Then you’re in luck! Because Battlefield 2042 is a multiplayer game featuring 128 players.

There’s a new mode called Battlefield Portal. The mode will let players design their game types. They can mix-and-match weapons and vehicles from previous Battlefield series. There’s also a third mode, called Hazard Zone. This mode aims for multiplayer.

What Are the Benefits of Video Games?

Playing video games has a medicinal connotation to it. It also has entertaining and learning aspects. Its merits outweigh the demerits. You can consider the benefits listed here.


 Playing video games helps in:

  • Enhancing Healthy Brain Cells
  • Developing Strong Problem-solvers
  • Reducing Stress
  • Connecting and Socializing people
  • Ensuring Safety
  • Fostering Teamwork
  • Restoring Declining Vision
  • Developing Manipulative Skills
  • Enhancing Physical Fitness
  • Entertaining and Learning


Playing video games may:

  • Compromise the security of children
  • Lead to addiction
  • Economic loss

What Do You Need to Benefit from Video Games?

Preparing adequately for the upcoming video games can be beneficial to you. To entertain and learn, do the following things.

  • Equip yourself with the best video game playing devices
  • Learn what’s new and relevant in the market
  • Change your mindset about playing video games
  • Embrace teamwork by identifying who to play with


Playing video games can entertain as well as provide a learning opportunity. The launch of upcoming video games is promising. The waiting is worthwhile because of the following games:

  • Horizon Forbidden West
  • Metroid Dread
  • Forza Horizon 5
  • Deathloop
  • Far Cry 6
  • Halo Infinite
  • Battlefield 2042

Expect a full-blown entertainment space when these games launch!

Actionable Takeaways

What are your takeaways from this post? Do you have any actionable takeaway? YES, you do! Waiting for the upcoming video games is worthwhile. Take your time, prepare well, and play massively to enjoy the benefits!

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